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Bringing Yama to Life: Once a Week for 6 weeks - Virtual

Tue, Jan 24



Unlock the true potency of being human and discover latent powers as your birthright as you live in accordance with Cosmic Law. Yoga Teachers: Earn 15 CEU's!

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Bringing Yama to Life: Once a Week for 6 weeks - Virtual
Bringing Yama to Life: Once a Week for 6 weeks - Virtual

Time & Location

Jan 24, 2023, 6:00 PM – Feb 28, 2023, 8:00 PM


About The Event

Have you been looking for ways to "deepen your practice?" This 6-Week series (the first of 2)  may be exactly what you've been wishing for. Deceptively simple, this course will transform your relationship to your practice, your word ... your world. 

Yama and Niyama are widely recognzied as the foundation of yoga practice. As the first two branches on the 8-Limbs of Yoga as defined in the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali these principles get a lot of lip service. Sometimes referred to as Yoga's 10-Commandments, one could interpret them as rules ordained by an 'external God' meant to make human beings 'behave themselves.' However, this perspective seems disempowering and limiting and invites a childish response to life. 

In this two series we'll approach the Yama first and Niyama second, regarding them as Cosmic Laws designed to reveal human beings' true potential. Understanding Yama as the Great Vow that Yogi/nis take we will explore their practical application in the world. We will discuss the method Patanjali offers for overcoming the impulse to violate the tenets, as well as the far-reaching negative consequences for not abiding these principles. 

These series' will launch with an overarching exploration of Yama and Niyama which, interestingly, Patanjali never actually defines. Participants will then invest each successive week actively practicing one principle at a time, researching, journaling, and applying the rule to daily life. When we reconvene the following week we will discuss the experience, trouble-shoot the challenges, share insights and discover the power that gets revealed by becoming firmly established in each principle. 

Each class will include an elegantly structured yoga class themed around the weekly tenet, complete with poetry and quotes, demonstrating how to weave philosophy into their teaching to create powerful, transformational classes. Classes will be recorded and shared for the duration of the series. Participants earn 15 Continuing Education Credits (CEC's) for each series. A series on Niyama will follow the series on Yama, and each are separate events. 

You must enroll in the entire series; no partial attendence. 


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“Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again , come , come.”

― Jelaluddin Rumi

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