Let me Damesplain something to you
​Guys, Dude, Man, Bro, Boy. These terms have been used so frequently, they are meant to apply to everyone. Yet, their dominance may be perpetuating the patriarchy, prioritizing the male experience while minimizing the importance of the 'female.' "It's Dame Time" seeks to dismantle this pattern in service of leveling the playing field so that women, girls, and those who prefer she/her/hers pronouns are equally respected and valued.
Through clever slogans, stylish attire and accessories, and heightened awareness around the power of language to shape our reality, we seek to dismantle the patriarchy and elevate the SHE,
one salutation at a time.
“Language is power, life and the instrument of culture, the instrument of domination and liberation."
-- Angela Carter
"Language is power, in ways more literal than most people think. When we speak, we exercise the power of language to transform reality." -- Julia Penelope
Look for products to be available very soon.

Cyndi Lee and OM Yoga Center
It’s been years since I’ve been able to practice with her, but she remains my beloved teacher.
Paul Grilley has brought profound awareness of energetics, anatomy, and authenticity. Jai Paul!
Paul JJ Alix inspired me to believe that I, too, could learn to chant and understand the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. Truly a revelation!
Manorama of Sanskrit Studies continues to inspire with her knowledge, her devotion, and the many lessons she conveys through her profound and direct method of teaching.
Anodea Judith inspires with her commitment to bringing students back into their own core for authentic and vibrant living, and also back into relationship with that which is Sacred, for the benefit of the Earth and everyone on it!
Michael Carroll offers wisdom and insight into the Buddha’s teachings, as well as genuine friendship.
Shiva Rea sparkles! Her teaching is firmly rooted, rhythmic and expansive, and vibrates with the pulse of vitality.
YINsights: find out more about Yin Yoga
Krishnamurti’s writings have had a tremendous impact on the way I see and relate with reality. I recommend Think on These Things as a first introduction, and I love Flight of the Eagle.
Vipassana Meditation in the tradition of Sri Goenka ji is a simple and profound technique, elegantly presented in their 10-day silent meditation retreats. If you feel even the slightest urge to participate, consider it your duty to enroll!
Sharon Sherman, of Empirical Point Acupuncture., Her treatments inspire vibrant vitality, mental clarity and profound well-being.
Eugene H.
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“My mentality feels so clear and lucid, and my energy levels are through the roof. Most importantly, Corina is an attentive and positive teacher who fine-tunes each class and encourages us to approach each session with great curiosity.
I am very blessed to have her as a teacher! ”
- Eugene H., Attorney
Hank G.
Yoga Teacher
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“Corina Benner’s Yin Yoga Teacher Training is the real deal. The curriculum is unique and authentic as well as thorough. The experience contains just the right amount of depth, honesty, challenge and respect between teacher and student. Don’t miss out, yogi.”
– Hank G., yoga teacher
Ann T.
Yoga Teacher
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"Thank you so much for all you do, Corina. I continue to build on that amazing foundation you gave us in your teaching training program. I keep mining it. The more I teach the more amazed I am at how solid it is and how well it prepared me to teach, and furthermore how well it prepared me to learn."
– Ann T., yoga teacher
Laura L.
Yoga Teacher
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“Just wanted to say again THANK YOU! I’m still processing all from our time together and I’m feel so happy, these 3 days of learning, nourishing and discovery will be forever in my heart. Thank you for your knowledge, your guidance, your compassion, your sense if humor, your immense light, and for holding space for the group as beautifully as you did.”
– Laura L., yoga teacher
Anina H.
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“Corina and her team provide a relaxing but challenging hour in which I can focus on nothing other than the moment, which clears my mind for the tasks ahead. The class provides a welcome break in the middle of the day, and sets me up for a centered and focused remainder of the day and week.”

- Anina H., Attorney
Catherine H.
Yoga Teacher
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"You are the kindest, most gracious spirit I have ever met. What you have done to spread peace in our world! It is my fortune in this life to learn from you. Thank you for your beauty, wisdom, and generosity."
– Catherine H., yoga teacher
Payal P.
Yoga Teacher
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“Thank you from my heart, for an incredibly moving yin training. Your words and love, reconnecting me to my soul's calling. Yesterday was a day filled with healing and seeing and loving.”
- Payal P., yoga teacher
Erin M.
Yoga Teacher
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“I wouId like to thank you whole heartedly for the yin teacher training you presented this past weekend. I enjoyed it thoroughly and gained so much knowledge through your words, kindness and depth. I was amazed at your beauty throughout and was truly inspired by you. I aspire to be like you and have already noticed this training bleeding into my classes this week.”
- Erin M., yoga teacher
Elise S.
Yoga Teacher
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“I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for everything you offered during training over this past weekend. I truly enjoyed absorbing the knowledge you shared and your honesty and candidness. I felt that you managed a large group of personalities very well and created a really nurturing and inquisitive space.”
- Elise S., yoga teacher
Gisele R.
Yoga Teacher
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“Corina, you are an exceptional teacher and I hope that you will absorb everything I am sharing with you … I have to say that I truly appreciate all the work that went into creating your manual and your folder of information. manual is SO well done and I am so grateful to have it as I know I will use it often … I love that you are willing to share so much to assist us on our journey. I love that you were so organized. You respected the times of training which I think is important. You had a great balance of lecture, practice and shared discussion. I loved every moment! Your morning practices were so fantastic and I have to admit that I had the most incredible meditations which is not something that happens that often. I went to this deep place every day to receive the most amazing messages. Thank you for creating such a sacred space (your words of wisdom, your music and the moments of silence were perfect). What I loved the most is that you are so REAL! I enjoyed your funny jokes and I loved that you did not pretend that everything is love and light all the time when it is not! Your shared personal experiences added very much to the weekend. Thank you for reminding us all that we can find the courage to be imperfect.”
- Gisele R., yoga teacher